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From the ebook 'WE ARE ALL SLAVES TO SOMETHING' A Millenials Guide to Morality in Today's World. Part 10

Hopefully these verses give you more insight into God’s plan for you and your life. The things we lust after in this world are compensation for what truly makes us whole. Like buying gifts on Christmas or treating a significant other on Valentine’s Day our drive to do or to have certain things is largely driven by societal pressures and not by what we desire in our hearts. It’s difficult to know what we want or what would truly make us happy because we are constantly bombarded with the outside perception of what makes us happy. And then on top of that, many of us are worried about what other people think. If you accept God as our creator than we must accept his plan of our lives and trust that he will bring us peace and constant joy. Once we are no longer slaves to the world around us, we can then finally be truly free. God bless.

Isaiah 5:20-23 , ‘Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight. Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks. Who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent.’

Just remember, above all else, God is a judge who's character was called into question by Satan. He ultimately gives us the freedom to choose:


Ecclesiastes 7:29 we have the freedom of choice.

Genesis 2:17 & Genesis 3:1-7, the tree of knowledge existed to give man the freedom to choose

Romans 5:15-21, sin and death is in all of us, but righteousness is offered to all of us.

Isaiah 53:6, we all have free will but we are like sheep that have gone astray. We turn our own way. God laid on himself our iniquity.

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